Welcome to the Realm of Volucris

This is the host site for the rollers for the Volucris ARPG

Please note that these rollers, as well as the ARPG itself, are a work-in-progress. Many aspects of the game are subject to change. If you are playtesting the rollers in any way, keep in mind that some of the results you are producing may not be achievable in the finalized version of the game.

If you encounter any bugs with these rollers, or notice any discrepancies between the rollers and what the guides and info say, please do let me know (I'm Jai / Seabird in the discord groupchat!)

Change Log

Latest changes: Nov. 3, 2023

  • Beautifying the site and fixing colour/layout
  • Added a 'reset all' button to the breeding and activity rollers.
  • Changed the Exploration activity to have success always drop at least one item; Pips are now a 50:50 chance to be *added onto* each successful roll. Roll maximum is still 4 items.
  • Fixed a problem where some genes weren't passing correctly in the breeding roller. Now, any of these three separators (space, comma, or forward slash) will be accepted by the roller.

Known Issues

Here's a list of the currently known issues that I haven't 100% fixed yet, if you encounter them or any other problems, please let me know!

  • The egg roller has thrown at least one bug where every single common mark appears on the second side.
  • Some toggles still have default/generic names, when we decide what the item names for them will be I'll swap them in.

NOT A BUG: the beagle, wolfhound, labrador, and archelon pets don't always show the '-> your pet has aided you!' message. This is because they are prey-size specific.